To Mellow Me Out Cocaine to Wake Me Back Up Again and Morphine Well Who Doesnt Love
- The meal with Hanna is so surreal that information technology becomes hilarious. Information technology's hard to say what makes the ameliorate punchline: Hanna shamelessly defining what he and the Wall Street brokers do equally a racket, prescribing Hashemite kingdom of jordan to jerk off at to the lowest degree twice a day instead of 4 times a week ("rookie numbers"), introducing cocaine as the key of success, or his absurd humming + chest thumping. And everything is delivered completely straight past Matthew McConaughey.
- The chest thumping becomes even more than hilarious if yous're aware that this is something McConaughey really does to psyche himself upwardly for a role which they decided to work into the motion picture.
- Hashemite kingdom of jordan takes a job at a very modest firm in the wake of his showtime firm's closing after Black Monday. His first conversation with his new dominate has him saying that if Jordan sells 10,000 shares, he'll suck his dick... and that he hopes that information technology happens. Very speedily, Jordan does his first common cold call there: his tactics manage to sell 4,000 and become the unabridged rest of the building staring at him.
"...How'd you fuckin' practise that?''
- Donnie and Jordan'southward chat about how Donnie married his cousin, which quickly Crosses the Line Twice when Donnie says what he'd practise if they had a mentally disabled child.
- Donnie'south line of "I'm not going to let just anyone fuck my cousin."
- Donnie and Jordan smoking crack and then running down the street high as kites.
"Fuckin' smoke crack with me, bro!"
- Hashemite kingdom of jordan demoing his script to the staff in the early stages of Stratton Oakmont: he constantly pantomimes sex motions during the unabridged call, while everybody else watches and laughs.
- Donnie's reaction to seeing Naomi for the get-go time.
- "On a daily basis I consume plenty drugs to sedate Manhattan, Long Island, and Queens for a month. I take Quaaludes x-fifteen times a day for my 'back pain,' Adderall to stay focused, Xanax to take the edge off, pot to mellow me out, cocaine to wake me support once more, and morphine... Well, because it's awesome."
- Hashemite kingdom of jordan and Co. talking over just what they can get away with regarding throwing little people at targets.
- Jordan'due south dad Max confronting him and the others over how much coin the company spent the previous calendar month:
Max: Jordy, look what you've got hither! Expect at this! $26,000 for ane fucking dinner!
Jordan: OK, no, no, this can exist explained. Dad, we had clients, Pfizer clients. Champagne.
Rugrat: The porterhouse from Argentina.
Jordan: Expensive champagne and the wine. Nosotros had to buy champagne. [to Donnie] And you ordered all the fuckin' sides. Tell him about the sides.
Donnie: I ordered the sides, so—
Max: Sides?! $26,000 worth of sides?! What are these sides? They cure cancer?
Donnie: The sides did cure cancer, that's the trouble, that's why they were so expensive.
Jordan: [bursting into laughter] Shut the fuck up.
Donnie: I'm serious, I'm—
Hashemite kingdom of jordan: Stop.- Afterward in the conversation when he points out how much they spent on prostitutes:
Donnie: The IRS, they permit for T&A. It's fine.—
Max: T&E! T&E!
Donnie: Yeah, I said T&E.
Max: No, you said T&A!
Donnie: No, I didn't.
Max: Yeah, you did!
Donnie: When did I say that?
- Afterward in the conversation when he points out how much they spent on prostitutes:
- Nicholas, a gay butler Noami hired, abusing his position by organizing a gay sex party at the couple's penthouse appartment while the couple is out of town. His immediate reaction later Noami unexpectedly catches him in the act, in stark contrast to his professionalism while on the job, tops this scene.
Nicholas: (Stops performing fellatio in surprise) Oh, hey. Is it Wednesday already? Uhhh... (Turns to other guests) WHAT THE FUCK!? THAT IS FUCKED Upwardly!
- Later on, Hashemite kingdom of jordan and his crew interrogate Nicholas about coin and other stuff that went missing afterward that gay party. When Nicholas gets defensive and accuses Jordan and Donnie gay-bashing, Chester just calmly gets up and starts chirapsia the crap out of Nicholas. Donnie, standing close enough to get sprayed with blood, gets so horrified he has to run out onto the balcony to throw up.
- Hashemite kingdom of jordan's stag do, which basically starts equally an orgy on a flying to Vegas, turning into an fifty-fifty bigger orgy at the hotel. The final neb comes to $2 million including the remodelling required for the entire 28th floor of the hotel.
- On the airplane, the camera shows off various parts of the orgy...including two guys who are sharing a drink and having a nice conversation in the centre of this debauchery. And in the background you can see two other guys sitting by themselves and minding their ain business.
- Jordan and Naomi's fight subsequently he mutters Venice in his slumber. She repeatedly throws water in Jordan'due south face which results in a Minor Injury Overreaction from Jordan. The icing on the cake is when at that place'southward a jump cut to who Venice actually is, a dominatrix who puts Hashemite kingdom of jordan though a brutal BDSM session.
- For pure Comedic Sociopathy, you tin't summit Donny eating that goldfish.
- Jordan, sobering upward from a drugged high of qualudes on a plane trip to Switzerland, finds himself restrained on the airline seat by the captain. Cue a flashback showing a drugged up, hypersexual Jordan attempting to hump and make out with the stewardesses while his friends and other passengers try to stop him. All profoundly accompanied by a fast version of Sloop John B
Jordan: "I chosen the captain the n-word?"
- Put that in perspective: Jordan uses basically every swearword in the English language, is an unfaithful and abusive husband, and makes all his money by conning innocent people...but even he is horrified at the thought that he called a pilot 'the n-word' while he was high on drugs. The fact that he and Donny both say 'the n-give-and-take' is fifty-fifty funnier.
- The initial coming together with the Swiss broker.
Belfort: (inner monologue) What I'm asking, you Swiss dick, is are you going to fuck me over.
Saurel: (inner monologue) I empathise perfectly, y'all American shit.
- The scene in London between Aunt Emma and Hashemite kingdom of jordan, where Jordan assumes that Aunt Emma is flirting with him in his thoughts. When he comes on to her, Aunt Emma thinks in panic ("Is he fucking hitting on me?") and so he kisses her full on the face, which she tells him to back off from, telling him it would be a really bad idea.
- The entire act with the Lemmon Quaaludes is full of these moments.
- To explain, Jordan uses a cocktail of drugs for both recreational and functioning enhancing purposes. When Donny botches a money laundering chore, he attempts to numb his worries abroad by inviting Jordan to do some one-time Quaalude pills that are of a higher dosage than normal. Thinking they expired after taking numerous pills, both men become about their business but afterwards realize that the Quaaludes boot in over an hour belatedly, and striking much harder due to the higher intake. Later been forced out of his habitation to telephone call a private detective on a payphone, Jordan finds out nigh Donny's botched task just to lose his motor skills midway through the call. Driven to blitz back and face up Donny, Jordan begins his slow and disturbing journey crawling beyond the floor, rolling down a flight of stairs (which looks several times longer to Jordan than in reality), dragging himself to his Lamborghini and driving a mile an hour domicile. Encounter You lot Are Already Intoxicated, a variation (listed under Real Life) of You lot Are Already Expressionless.
- Returning habitation, Jordan gets into an comically sloppy fight with Donny over Donny'due south coin laundering screw-upwards, culminating to Jordan attempting to restrain Donny using a wall telephone'due south cord, which Donny manages to accidentally slingshot dorsum to Jordan's face. When Donny intentionally chokes on some ham in an credible suicide effort, Jordan does a vial of coke while a Popeye cartoon plays in the background so that he can salvage Donny.
- Specifically, Jordan downing the coke is played as a direct parallel to what happens when Popeye eats spinach.
- To top it off, we later learn that in reality Jordan drove his Lamborghini as recklessly as someone loftier on drugs would. This scene is fabricated funnier in a relevant flashback with Jordan road raging while severely dumb, all while his right pes is uncomfortably propped upwardly on the dashboard.
- When Jordan's yacht threatens to sink, he sends Donnie down to grab a handbag full of quaaludes, saying in a very deranged tone of voice:
Jordan: I will not. Die. Sober!
- Agent Denham'south line after arresting Jordan.
Denham: Hey, Hashemite kingdom of jordan, let me give y'all a little legal advice: shut the fuck upwards!
- In add-on, Hashemite kingdom of jordan is arrested while filming a corny commercial for his company. We go to see the scene of his arrest from the point of view of the camera beingness used to motion-picture show it, which gets knocked over in the procedure.
- When Jordan is discussing what finally got him arrested and charged; his partner Rugrat and the French broker who laundered Hashemite kingdom of jordan's money in Switzerland are arrested in Florida, later Rugrat uses Stratton Oakmont to funnel drug money for the guy who founded Benihana's.
Jordan: Benihana? Beni-fucking-hana?! BENI-FUCKING-HANA?!! WHY?!!! WHY, WHY GOD?! Why would yous exist so cruel as to choose a chain of fucking hibachi restaurants to take me downwards?
- The fact that Jordan is narrating this over footage from a Benihana commercial is icing on the block.
- The dial-line comes from Donnie's line to Jordan later the fact.
Donnie: I'll tell you what, I'thou never eating at Benihana again. I don't intendance whose altogether it is.
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